Should There Be More Contraception Advertisement?


Contraception is known as a way to prevent pregnancy and to control birth. Kinds of contraception are birth control pills, IUD (Intra Uterine Device), contraceptive implant, contraceptive sponge, contraceptive foam, cervical cap, condoms, and so on. Each of it has advantages and disadvantages that married couples should know. They have to know that some contraception is not only useful to control birth but also can improve health, stabilize cycle menstruation, decrease the death rate of woman died in bear process, and even can cure sexual diseases.

One of contraception program that familiar to Indonesian people is KB (Keluarga Berencana) or Family Planning. It is a governmental program to help married couples to plan birth with aims to decrease birth rate in Indonesia. It was proven to be successful in about 1990. At that time, the advertisement of KB is frequently shown in television, with tagline “Two children is enough”. Nowadays, the number of people using KB is decreasing. Government is trying to increase it again since years-ago experience that KB is really helpful.

In my opinion, the publication of contraception is needful to give information about the advantages of using it. But, the idea and visualization of contraception advertisement should be created wisely, without any image or talk that can cause unpleasant feeling because Indonesian people live in a culture which is consider improper to see or talk about  ‘adult’ things like contraception in front of the public, especially in front of children.

Therefore, there should be more contraception advertisement that give more info and explaining about the benefits of a contraception in a medical way without any improper talk and visualization so that people can see it is medically useful. The product of contraception should be qualified with standard so that it can be advertised. The show of advertisement in public media like television or radio should be not too often. The using of magazine media is more preferred, especially women magazine, men magazine,s and health magazine.

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